Thursday, May 21, 2009

The gun laws debate Part 3

TU wrote:
I agree no one needs a fully automatic rifle. Now pistols are arguable, a side arm can be very useful in many hunting situations. But I think they could be limited to certain calibers and maybe only in revolvers. I am thinking you might be underestimating the power of the black market arms trade in America, the thugs will get their guns its just a matter of where. Yes I know taking guns off the streets would reduce shootings and crime rates to a degree. But the larger more organized gangs and groups will always get their guns. Just like how they will always get their drugs (a lot of good those STRICT drug laws did...). One more thing, you and I, as well as the thugs on the street, can not legally buy an automatic assault rifle without a very hard to get permit. Most "gangstas" get their autos on the black market anyway so taking guns away from law abiding citizens along with the thugs is not going to keep people from killing each other.

Mr. Grumpy responded to that with:
Thanks for the thoughtful counter-arguments TU.
I see your point about a side arm (revolver, certain calibers, etc.), but disagree with you about the black market supply. Where do you think black market guns come from? If all these fully automatic handguns and assault rifles weren't being manufactured for and sold to law-abiding citizens (private sales, not law enforcement and military use), I am certain there would be far fewer on the street for gang-bangers to buy and sell out of the trunks of their cars. If they weren't being sold out of gun shops on every other city block and at every other rural crossroads in
America, I have a feeling it would be a lot harder for Gangsta-Wanna-Bee to keep his posse armed. Maybe these statistics will help make my point: From 1985 to 1994, 270,000 firearms were stolen annually, all from gun shops and legitimate registered gun owners, totaling 1.26 million handguns, 470,000 rifles and 356,000 shotguns. In 1995 alone, 240,000 automatic weapons were registered with ATF, including machine guns and submachine guns. 7,700 (about one out of every 30) of those weapons were stolen.

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