Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Obam-ination

I have said it a number of times before, but I am going to write it down this time "for the record":
I believe Barack Obama is the most arrogant and corrupt president we have ever elected ... by tenfold.

Some of you may remember these statements from my Saturday, June 13th post: "That's why so few in Washington, or at any other level of government, are willing to take a stand against Baa-aa-rock Obama bin Laden: because he is dirty and ruthless and does not hesitate to use his rapidly accumulating power to punish those who oppose him." I need to amend that statement to say: "... punish those who oppose him [or his friends]."

Mr. Obama has once again shown his utter disdain for the law. Last Wednesday, he openly, and without excuse or apology, abused the office of the president by firing an Inspector General without cause and in violation of federal statute for no other reason than because a legitimate and objective investigation being conducted by that Inspector General was making one of Obama's friends and political allies uncomfortable.

I worked in several different government systems in a position analogous to that of the inspector in this case. The political pressure is constant. The statutory insulation from that pressure is thin, at best. I know what it feels like to be silenced and threatened for simply doing the job that you were hired to do. The most damaging effect of Obama's disdain for the law in this particular case is that it will have a distinct chilling effect on all future decisions and actions by other Inspectors General who are notified of allegations against some other political ally or personal friend of Baa-aa-rock.

This is not just "politics" as usual. This is much worse than that. The very purpose of the statute he so arrogantly violated is to prevent politics from interfering with the discharge of an Inspector General's duties. Obama knows that, of course, but doesn't care. He is daring anyone to challenge this most recent illegal action. The mainstream press is either so in love with him or so intimidated by him that they won't even cover the story! He has intimidated members of congress so thoroughly that none of them have challenged this illegal action, as far as I know.

We all know that power corrupts, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. I also believe that power and corruption fuel each other. Obama has now arrogated so much power to himself that he breaks the law with impunity. Who is left to serve as a check on this man's arrogance and corruption? Me and my blog? Where is the media?! Why are they all giving this smooth-talking corrupt political thug a free pass?

If somebody doesn't stop this guy, our children and grandchildren are screwed.

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