Thursday, September 10, 2009


Everybody still debating "health care"? ... another one of Barack Hussein's 
Trojan horses. Hidden inside that gift horse: gray, dreary, socialism.
Here is the real story today:

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Benjamin Netanyahu dropped out of sight for most of a day this week, a mysterious absence that has set off feverish speculation about what the Israeli leader was up to - and accusations he lied to cover up a clandestine trip to Moscow. After initially issuing a vague statement about visiting a top-secret Mossad installation inside Israel, Netanyahu kept silent Thursday as reports emerged that he flew to Moscow aboard a private jet for urgent talks on Iran.
The Israeli reports said Netanyahu was joined by his military secretary, Maj. Gen. Meir Kalifi, and national security adviser Uzi Arad. Arad, a former Mossad spymaster, favors a tough line against Tehran and would almost certainly be involved in any preparations to attack Iran. Israel has strongly hinted it is prepared to attack the country's nuclear sites if international sanctions fail to persuade Tehran to curb its atomic program.

As the rumors swirled of clandestine talks, Russian officials remained silent. "We have seen these reports in various media, and you know that not all the details add up, but there is nothing more I can tell you," Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko was quoted as saying Thursday. The Russian daily Kommersant, citing a "highly placed source in the Kremlin," confirmed the visit and speculated the talks had been on an extremely urgent matter, "like Israel updating Russia on its intention to attack Iran."


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