Do headlines and stories like these offend you?
They should.
Federal official says time is right for gay rights
ORLANDO (AP) -- The climate for passing gay civil rights laws has never been better... “and shame on us if we don't succeed," said John Berry, director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. His speech at the Orlando conference came a day before President Barack Obama was set to address the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group.
Gay rights advocates march on DC
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Tens of thousands of gay rights supporters marched Sunday from the White House to the Capitol, demanding that President Barack Obama keep his promises to allow gays to serve openly in the military and work to end discrimination against gays.
Jason Yanowitz, a 37-year-old computer programmer from Chicago , held his daughter, 5-year-old Amira, on his shoulders. His partner, Annie, had their 2-year-old son, Isiah, in a stroller. Yanowitz said more straight people were turning out to show their support for gay rights. "For all I know, she's gay or he's gay," he added, pointing to his children.
Excuse me while I throw up.
These poor, pathetic, deluded people have exchanged the truth for a lie. In Romans 1:26-28, the apostle Paul describes a very similar culture: "Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
I hate what John Berry and Jason Yanowitz represent (not the men, themselves, but what they are promoting and advocating).
I hate what John Berry and Jason Yanowitz represent (not the men, themselves, but what they are promoting and advocating).
Romans 12:9 commands us to "hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Have you been so desensitized over the years that you simply accept this as the status quo?
But is homosexuality "evil"?
"Do not be deceived: ... neither homosexuals nor the greedy ...nor slanderers ...will inherit thekingdom of God . --1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Open your Bible. Read it for yourself.
If it is bad enough to keep a person out of heaven, to prevent a person from obtaining eternal life, is that bad enough to qualify as evil?
Now let me ask you again: Do you hate what this man represents -- the evil that he advocates and promotes?
Have you been so desensitized over the years that you simply accept this as the status quo?
But is homosexuality "evil"?
"Do not be deceived: ... neither homosexuals nor the greedy ...nor slanderers ...will inherit the
Open your Bible. Read it for yourself.
If it is bad enough to keep a person out of heaven, to prevent a person from obtaining eternal life, is that bad enough to qualify as evil?
Now let me ask you again: Do you hate what this man represents -- the evil that he advocates and promotes?
Or are you afraid of being called "intolerant"?
The sinners' favorite attack word.
The sinners' favorite attack word.
Many people, including Christians, are so afraid of being "called names" (like "bigoted" or "homophobic" or "intolerant") that they are unwilling to speak up against even the most vile sin.
Romans 12:2 urges you to "not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will."
The rest of the world interprets your silence on issues like this as tacit approval. At the very least, you are tolerating the official promotion of evil. Why do you think homosexuals have made so much "progress" in this country recently? Because they have been doing all the public speaking, while Christians attend their church meetings and Bible studies and spend all their time talking to each other.
Preface to the good news: Hell and theLake of Fire are real and many souls will burn.
The Good News: We can be spared from it, rescued ... saved.
"Do not be surprised if the world hates you." --1 John 3:13
Are you willing to be hated by "the world" (by unbelievers), or will you remain silent in order to secure its approval?
Would you call homosexuality evil, wrong, perverted or sinful if your employer, or your neighbors or the government threatened to publish what you said for all the world to read?
What if they threatened to alienate you socially?
What if they threatened to fire you from your job?
And what if they threatened to prosecute you for a "hate crime"?
These may be more than just hypothetical questions in the very near future.
This society is moving toward officially punishing people for asserting that homosexual behavior is sin. We already unofficially punish people for it.
By the way, I refuse to use the ridiculous euphemism "gay", because there is NOTHING gay about burning in a lake of fire.
I admit it.
I announce it.
I agree with God.
I am INTOLERANT of homosexuality.
It's wrong ... and, yes, it does hurt other people. When someone gets shut out of heaven, that hurts ... in the most extreme sense.
The rest of the world interprets your silence on issues like this as tacit approval. At the very least, you are tolerating the official promotion of evil. Why do you think homosexuals have made so much "progress" in this country recently? Because they have been doing all the public speaking, while Christians attend their church meetings and Bible studies and spend all their time talking to each other.
Preface to the good news: Hell and the
The Good News: We can be spared from it, rescued ... saved.
"Do not be surprised if the world hates you." --1 John 3:13
Are you willing to be hated by "the world" (by unbelievers), or will you remain silent in order to secure its approval?
Would you call homosexuality evil, wrong, perverted or sinful if your employer, or your neighbors or the government threatened to publish what you said for all the world to read?
What if they threatened to alienate you socially?
What if they threatened to fire you from your job?
And what if they threatened to prosecute you for a "hate crime"?
These may be more than just hypothetical questions in the very near future.
This society is moving toward officially punishing people for asserting that homosexual behavior is sin. We already unofficially punish people for it.
By the way, I refuse to use the ridiculous euphemism "gay", because there is NOTHING gay about burning in a lake of fire.
I admit it.
I announce it.
I agree with God.
I am INTOLERANT of homosexuality.
It's wrong ... and, yes, it does hurt other people. When someone gets shut out of heaven, that hurts ... in the most extreme sense.
To be perfectly clear about this: While I denounce homosexual behavior, and denounce the promotion of such behavior and lifestyles, I do not condemn homosexuals themselves.
There's a significant difference.
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