Saturday, June 6, 2009

Go Kobe! ... you arrogant, narcissistic rapist

[This is not a sports blog. I honestly don't care who wins the NBA title. This is an comment about crime and punishment, about simple justice, and about a society that has lost its integrity.]

If you root for Kobe Bryant, you should be ashamed of yourself. Kobe Bryant is an arrogant, narcissistic rapist. He should have been tried (and convicted) for raping that woman, and he should still be in prison for that crime now ... but he bought his way out of it with his money and his celebrity.

Why did so many people think O.J. Simpson's acquittal was a travesty, but no one even blinked when Kobe went one better than O.J. by short-circuiting the criminal justice system before it even got started? His victim should be ashamed for letting him buy her off. The law enforcement people should be ashamed for wanting to see him play basketball more than wanting to see justice done. His own wife should be ashamed. I suspect she only "forgave" him and stayed with him because she didn't want to miss out on all those future millions.
Yeah, go ahead. Be offended by my frankness. Assume whatever you want to assume, if it makes you feel better -- if it helps you believe that people aren't really that cold and cynical ... and, above all else, greedy. Do you really think she would have stood by her man (the husband who raped another woman while he was married to her) if he was a poor man? Oh, hell no. She would have left him faster than a no-look pass from John Stockton to Karl Malone. Besides, if he were a poor man (or even a man of average means), he would never have been able to buy his way out if it to begin with.

One last time: The man is an arrogant, narcissistic rapist. You should prefer to watch the Lakers play without him, because you feel ashamed for our sick society every time you see Kobe Bryant prance around on television and receive accolades for his athletic abilities.
Who cares if he can run and jump (God gave him those abilities). So what? The man is a violent felon who should have been punished for what he did. He raped someone! Do you get that? He raped someone. What if his victim had been your wife? ... or your sister? ... or your daughter? Damn it! He raped the girl!

The acceptance of different rules, different values and different treatment and decisions for rich people than for the rest of us is just the American way of life, I suppose. And I hate it. It makes me sick. The obscene injustice of it makes me consider becoming a vigilante.

Yeah. I've really lost it this time, huh?
Angry -- no, enraged -- that a rapist was able to buy his way out of suffering the consequences of his act. Yeah. That's really whacked out, man ... getting all upset about something as minor as that.

No. Its not mean or radical to want the criminal justice system to work. This is not a question of being merciful or forgiving. I'm certainly in favor of forgiving people who repent of their sins. I'm not advocating
eternal judgment for one crime. But I am advocating temporal, human (legal) justice. If you do the crime, you oughta have to do the time, baby.
You can be contrite and sorry all you want ... from your jail cell, where the only people idolizing you any more are a bunch of other criminals serving time with you. And if your wife really does want to stand by her man, she can do it on visiting days.

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