Friday, August 14, 2009


Why is there even a debate about whether or not the government should become heavily involved in (or even control) health care in this country?

The people who are not opposed to more government involvement just need to visit the average Veteran's Administration (VA) hospital and/or have a conversation about government-provided health care with a few veterans who have been receiving it for a while. I am fairly certain that would end the debate.

Veteran's Hospitals are the worst hospitals in the country by almost any standard of measure, and the "care" provided through the Veteran's Administration is the worst in the country, hands down.

That is not even debatable.

This is the banking system all over again. This is the auto industry all over again. Why are 50% of the citizens in this country so slow to learn?
The only people who will benefit from Obama's proposed health care reform are the drug company executives and the friends of government officials.

So, if you think you want government-run health care system, go hang out at a VA hospital for a while and ask some veterans how well things are going.

What we ought to be debating is how to make other options (private options) available to veterans, not how to force the rest of us into a system as pathetic as the Veteran's Administration. How about more choices for them, not fewer for us.

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